Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, December 30, 2024
My Children, Love Me as a Very Exceptional Newborn, So Exceptional That It Has Only Happened Once in the Entire History of Humanity and Will Never Happen Again
Message from Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to Sister Beghe in Belgium on December 24, 2024

My dear children,
here you all are awaiting the birth of Emmanuel, the arrival of the King of kings... the Lord God who comes in the flesh to His people.
What emotion, what wonder, what hope this birth shouldn't have aroused in the souls of all humanity! But unlike any real birth, My birth was unknown, humble and very lonely.
I didn't impose Myself in the eyes of the world and as I was born, so I behaved throughout My life. I was humble, I didn't do anything to attract attention to Myself, but I did good wherever My steps took Me.
I was born in poverty, I lived in poverty, I died in poverty. Yes, poverty was the companion of My earthly life and I want all of you, who today complain about the high cost of living, inflation and financial difficulties, you who are not part of the financially privileged, to be in the joy of being the image of this Newborn, the example par excellence of all humanity.
In this great celebration of Hope, in this Christmas so resplendent with inner joy, I want to thank you for thinking of Me, for being with Me, for not worrying about this gargantuan New Year's Eve, but instead worrying about giving thanks for My coming, the coming of God to save you from the hell to which you were unfortunately destined.
Yes, I came to earth for Love and I was the most beautiful child in the world. I was alert, happy, smiling and already understood everything that My young age could express.
My mother and adoptive father looked at Me with a love full of admiration and fervor, and I smiled at them in such a way that they knew that I knew. I already loved them filially, but also as God can love, and this special bond between us should never end.
My children, love Me as a very exceptional newborn, so exceptional that it has only happened once in the entire history of humanity and will never happen again.
Tonight is Christmas, the birth of God among men, His brothers for those who are and will be His disciples, His people, His children by adoption.
I am the Head of humanity, its King, the King of kings and above Me, it is Me, no one else. An angel wanted to challenge Me, he couldn't and won't be able to, but be wary of him because he was one of the main angels of the angelic creation and is still very strong and powerful.
He did everything to make Me stumble during the 33 years of My life on earth, he hated Me and couldn't understand Me; he saw Me as high above ordinary men, but he was never convinced that I was God Himself. He knew Me to be dear to God, very precious in God's eyes, He saw Me completely devoted to God and always eager to do His will, but he couldn't see My Soul because demons don't have access to what God keeps for Him.
He hated Me because he had no power over Me and he saw that My mother had an authority over Me that escaped him. Why her and not him?
So he hated My mother, but God protected Her and he never had access to Her. He managed to lay his hands on the soul of Judas, who let himself be guided by him, and instilled great confidence in himself as a privileged apostle of the one he called Master, because he had entrusted him with the treasure of the group: he was therefore truly privileged because he who holds the purse holds the power.
Lucifer therefore used him, knowing and seeing his faults, and achieved his ends by arousing the jealousy of the religious authorities and was happy with a terrible joy at seeing the Lord put to death. So he held on to Him and when He breathed his last, He would be his and he would take revenge on Him forever!
But instead of a last breath, it was a loud cry and the soul he thought was dying manifested His extraordinary Life and His superior Authority. He failed when he thought he was winning and only then did he understand that Jesus Christ was truly God and not a man, however exceptional: Man-God, God-Man and not a creature!
He was stunned and deeply grieved, but the Angel he was despite his demonic state recovered and dedicated tenfold hatred to the Mother of God and to nascent Catholicity. Today, in the face of Catholicity invaded by the modernist and progressive spirit, which is a transgressor of all the Tradition that preceded it, he feels victorious again and has placed servants of his cause in most ex-Christian countries, destroyers of their beautiful civilization, impoverishing them and bribing them.
My dear children, don't get caught up in this gangrene of the world, the devil is so strong and so clever that you will only defeat him through the prayer, fervor and courage of the militants of Jesus Christ. Instead of following Lucifer, follow St. Michael the Archangel, the Leader of the Catholic militia, don't abandon Him, don't abandon Him, He is more powerful than the rebel Angel, with Him you will be courageous, combative and persevering.
This is My Wish, the divine Wish that I make on this night of My birth because I came to save you and I continue to save you, to encourage you, to love you.
May the divine Child be your comfort and your sweetness, may He be blessed, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So be it.
Jesus Christ, Emmanuel.